Waterproofing services for commercial properties, parking structures and plaza decks.
Unwanted moisture can result in structural damage that will undoubtedly impact the value of buildings, parking structures, and plaza decks and possibly shorten their usefulness over the long term. Patriot Restoration provides waterproofing services for commercial projects of all sizes. Patriot has the expertise to repair, replace, and protect your property from water damage from drainage systems to sealants to paver systems. In addition, we are approved applicators of most major building products. Our team works closely with clients to ensure each project is handled efficiently and effectively, with as little disruption to the building’s tenants as possible. Craftsmanship, attention to detail, and safety remain a focus throughout the entire project.
Waterproofing Services
- Sealant Installation and Replacement
- Fluid Applied and Hot Rubberized Asphalt Systems
- Sheet Membrane and Drainage Systems
- Dampproofing and Air Barrier Waterproofing
- Negative Side and Below Grade Waterproofing
- Plaza Waterproofing and Paver Systems
- Penetrating Sealer Applications
- Elastomeric Wall Coatings
- Roof Membrane Systems