Patriot’s enhanced safety protocols during pandemic
Protocols put in place for the safety of customers, tenants and our staff
Patriot has always embraced a culture of safety through on-going training and oversight. Safety, like every other facet of a project, is pre-planned. However, the Coronavirus pandemic has added new meaning, and new protocols, to our Safety programs. Rest assured, job site safety in all forms is of paramount importance to us.
Finding ourselves faced with keeping our workers and our building inhabitants safe during the Coronavirus pandemic, we upped our game and implemented the CDC guidelines immediately. Our workers maintain a six-foot distance unless impossible to do so; they wear masks and appropriate safety equipment. They sanitize their tools, machines, vehicles, ladders, doorknobs, as well as cleaning and disinfecting frequently used surfaces periodically throughout each shift. They also avoid sharing equipment. Our workers limit the number of people in small workspace areas such as job site elevators, trailers, and vehicles. Temperatures are taken every morning before entering a worksite. We require everyone to self-report any change in their health and seek the appropriate medical attention.
We employ extensive precautions to make certain that Patriot Restoration is always a safe work environment for all.